In der Eröffnungsmeditation lädt Chandra Costanza Coletti zum Kundalini-Yoga ein. Bei dieser Yoga-Art liegt der Fokus besonders auf das der Atmung. Ihr benötigt keine Vorkenntnisse. Einfach ausprobieren und mit frischer Energie INDERNET 2020 genießen!
“Meditation is not an action but a state. What we call meditation in Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is an exercise that helps us get into this state. In some cases these exercises are quite different from what we expect meditation to look like: a person sitting still with closed eyes, breathing deep and emanating a sense of deep calm. Working through combinations of movement, Pranayam, Mudra and Mantra, the Kundalini meditations can make us feel weird and uncomfortable. During the practice we can face moments of relaxation and bliss, but we can also go through stress, discomfort, irritation and strong emotional outbursts. It does not matter what you feel while you meditate: the only important thing is to be aware of whatever you are experiencing and allow it to happen.
This meditation we practice together works on our capacity to create art by projecting into the future. It builds clarity of vision, self confidence and a feeling of being part of the whole. It is suited for everybody, even children can practice it every day to increase their self confidence and the trust that reality is in their hands. We can shape our future together!”
Chandra comes from Rome, she practices Kundalini yoga intensely since 2011 and teaches since 2013.